Ketika kita jauh kepada sesuatu baru sadar apa yang ada di depan mata. Penyesalan pasti terjadi, tapi lebih baik menyesal karena pernah melakukan sesuatu ketimbang menyesal karena tidak melakukan apapun. Jadi kita mau jengkel kepada siapa? Yang pasti kepada diri sendiri. Maka ada yang bilang untuk memikirkan segala sesuatu sebelum bertindak. Tetapi hal tersebut juga akan membuat kita terlalu lama berpikir dan terlewatkan. Jika sudah terlanjur, cukup hadapi ke depan secara bertahap. Maka buatlah pilihan bagaimanapun kondisinya dan lakukan segala sesuatu dengan sepenuh hati sehingga tiada penyesalan esok hari.
"Lakukan apa yang ingin kamu lakukan"~sigitsn
What is Motivation ??? Motivation is what pushes us to achieve our goals, feel more fulfilled and improve overall quality of life. Many people lost the motivation and they fail in life. We must be smart to respons it, because if want to success we need it.
There are the set of actions that I’ve found to help overcome fears, find motivation, and prioritize:
- Find a purpose. You might already know what your purpose is, but it’s good to review it and keep it at the forefront of your thoughts. If you don’t have a purpose, start here: what will you want to look back on at the end of your life? What will make your life feel significant? What will give your life some meaning? If you don’t have an answer to these questions, it’s worth spending a little time here. Go for a walk and think about it.
- Embrace your desire. You’re reading this article because you have a desire to do something positive in your life. Embrace that. Isn’t it wonderful that you have this desire? See this as the first positive step, one you’ve already taken. Now use it and take action.
- Create the space. You won’t make any changes if you don’t create a small space for the change. When will you start making the change? In the morning, in the evening, during your lunch break? Don’t wait for the change to happen — make it happen. Block off some time on your calendar each day, even if it’s just 10 or 15 minutes. If you don’t have the time, think about how long you spend each day on Facebook, TV, games, or doing smaller tasks that aren’t as important. Push those back for just a bit, and do what’s most important to you first.
- Surround yourself.
The best way to make change happen is to surround yourself with others making a similar change themselves, others who will support your change. Find a few people online or off, and create a support team that will check in with each other regularly. Yes, this might take some work. Yes, you can do it. - Make the accountability.
Find at least one person who will hold you accountable for making this change. It might be the support team mentioned above, or a coach, or an accountability partner. Tell them not to let you off the hook. - Take a small action. If you’re overwhelmed by a large change, or a bunch of large change, just focus on one small step. What small action can you take today that will move you forward? It might be something as simple as “do an Internet search about selling my quilts online”, or “call Freddie to ask him to hold me accountable”. Take a small step, and get moving. Movement begets movement. Now take another small step. This is how change is created.
If you give a chance by someone to go vacation in other country. Where would you choose??? If me..... I'm choose Japan. Why..??? Because I want to see Miyabi and Aoi Sora, they are my imagination on my mind. The power of Japan Adult Video. After that I want go to Akihabara, to see center of anime in the world. In there you will be see many comics, game, and other looks like heaven. I want to see Cherry blossoms a flower with a thousand mean.
The reason why I want go to Japan, because the culture in there is safe. Different from Indonesia, they leave the culture of themself to get other culture. So we must to imitate them.
Japan also have a paradise places, there are :

This is part of a place where I want to go.